How many calories in cookie dough?

Is it blowing my diet if I eat a little whole bunch of cookie dough?

Oh, who am I kidding.  Of course it isn’t!  It’s just cookie dough–a bunch of ingredients mixed up together!  There’s no calories in that!  😉

And at the rate I’m going, there won’t be many cookies anyway. And that’s where the calories are.

~sigh~ If only it really was like that.

Happy Friday everyone!

Glory Revealed CD

I just got this CD the other day.  I. Love. It. It’s scripture set to music,  and it is an amazing CD.  Lots of familiar singers,  and they all come together to make this wonderful CD. 

Our favorite is “By His Wounds”.  Mac Powell (Third Day), Steven Curtis Chapman, Brian Littrell, and Mark Hall (Casting Crowns) sing this beautiful song.  Ray and I listen to it over and over and over again.  It is the words of Isaiah 53:5

He was peirced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sin.

The punishment that brought us peace, was upon Him.

And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed.

We are healed by Your sacrifice, and the life that You gave.

We are healed for You paid the price, By Your grace we are save, we are saved.

What can wash away my sin?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

You can go here to see the CD, and to read about the Glory Revealed project. 

I’m off to listen to it again!

He’s home!

Well, D. is home from Bible camp. Filthy dirty, piles of laundry and full of great stories. And memories that will last a lifetime (I know my camp memories have!) I think he’s already counting down the days until next year!

So glad to have him home again!

T. ponder’s marriage


 This is  a conversation that I had with T. last year when he was 4.  I’ve preserved it in my scrapbook, and look forward to sharing it with him when he is older.

T.  “Mommy, when I get married, do I have to stand up and walk down the row, while lots of people are sitting down?”

Me “Yes, usually you walk down the aisle with your wife after you’re married.”

T. “I don’t want to get married then……Can I still go to Heaven even if I’m not married?”

Me “If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for you.  Then you can go to Heaven, even if you’re not married.”

T.  “Oh…..then I won’t get married.”

Me  “But, you have to be married if you want to have kids, if you want to be a Daddy.”

T.  Oh…well I do want to be a Daddy when I’m a grown-up.  So….who will I marry?”

Me “I don’t know who you’ll marry, it might be someone you don’t even know yet.”

T.  “Will I know the person I marry?’

Me  “Yes, you’ll have to know her before you can decide if you want to marry her.”

T.  “When I’m a Daddy, I’ll get to wear all of Daddy’s clothes.  Do I have to get married right now?”

Me  “No, I think you’d better wait a while.”

T.  “Okay, Mommy.”

Even though it seems such a long way off, I am already praying for my children’s someday-spouses. And as quickly as time goes by….sigh….

Wouldn’t they be horrified….

As M. affectionately refers to the boys, “The Brothers” would be horrified if they knew that while they are away, their dirt-bike men, and other little figures are…….

………dancing with the princesses…..

………and the Polly Pockets………

……….at the My Little Pony party that is taking place right now in my living room!

Nope, I’m not gonna be the one to tell them!

Just me and the girl

Just M. and I here today.  D. is away at Bible camp.  He went on Sunday and will be coming home on Friday night. T. is at my parents.  He went last night and I think is coming home tomorrow.  And I’m on vacation.  So it’ll just be her and I today.  And it’s 9:00 and she’s still sleeping.  Which is perfect because it gives me a chance to get some housework done  play on the computer.  I think we’re going to go blueberry picking today.  We have a great blueberry field very close to home.  My garden never came to be this year, but I did plant a blueberry bush.  So hopefully next year, we’ll have our own blueberries. We’ll still visit the blueberry field, though, just cause, you know, we always do.  Tradition. I love traditions!

Completely unrelated….

We have lived in our home for almost 9 years now, and believe it or not, there are still some boxes upstairs in the garage.   Things that have just never been unpacked. Obviously things that we don’t really need.  The only thing, though, is that many of these boxes have been dug into, while we look for that one thing that just be in there.  And it’s also where I was storing all the baby clothes.  Which also would be neatly packed away, and then I’d think of something I wanted to find to give to someone, and well, you can imagine.  The upstairs of the garage looks like a clothing factory, old furniture factory, and a Christmas decoration factory all threw up!  A huge , completely dis-organized mess.  And one that we always talk about cleaning up, but never get around to doing.

Here’s the problem.  Upstairs in the garage is where Ray and Mike are planning to set up their business.  You see where this is going, right?

Ray didn’t want to start last night, but my motto is, “Once begun, a job is half done”.  And I knew that it was just a matter of starting, and then it wouldn’t seem so bad.  So we did.  And while we’re not quite half done, we’ve definitely made a dent in it.  As I sort through stuff, I ask myself, if I was packing up to move, would this be going with me?  It makes it much easier to decide what stays and what goes.  And believe me, most of it is going. 

So that’s our project.  And the fact that my living room still doesn’t have paint on the walls?  Well, I keep telling myself that maybe if I help out with the garage without complaining, maybe finishing my living room will be next. 

Cause, you know, it’s only been over a year since it was started!!

I hear M. waking up, so I’m off to enjoy my day with her!

Monk and Neagle

Where do I even begin? I love this CD!  I think that it was Boomama who said that it makes her happy.  That is a perfect way to describe it.  So first things first:  Thank you to Boomama who set the wheels in action for this, and made us aware that this give-way was happening, and thank you also to Brain Peterson for putting this great giveaway together!  And thank you to Monk and Neagle for serving and loving their Lord, and for using their incredible gifts of music!

I’ve tried to pick a favorite song, but I just can’t.  One that I absolutely love, though, is “Hallelujah, Jesus“.  This is an amazing song of praise and worship to our Lord. 

I love this song.  I’m usually driving when I’m listening.  (And with my job, I do a lot of driving, so that’s a lot of listening!)  And as I’m singing this amazing love song to Jesus, I see myself with my arms stretched out to my God.  Praising Him with all of my being.  Oddly enough, I usually picture me on a huge hill–is this because I see that as being closer to Heaven?  But my favorite part about this song?

Hearing those three little voices singing it too, from their booster sets in the backseat!

Another of my favorites is That’s what Soldiers Do. The first time I heard this song, I couldn’t listen to it all through because I knew it would get me crying, and I was on my way to a client’s.  Although, seeing as how this particular home had a grandson who has just returned from Afganistan, I’m sure they would have appreciated the song, and my teary face! 

This is just such a great CD. I love it, love it, love it!! I’ve lent it to a friend right now, who didn’t get in on the give-away on time. Poor Jenn!  Have I mentioned how much I love it yet?!!  If you haven’t already, click on the button on my sidebar to hear some of their music.  And you can go here to pre-order the CD. 


You’ll be so glad that you did!

Why I don’t share my toothbrush

I went into the bathroom this morning and found my toothbrush lying on the counter, smeared with toothpaste.  I asked M. if she was using it

“Yes”, she replied. “But, it’s okay Mommy.  I didn’t get any of my slime on it.”

Good thing I already had my teeth brushed this morning! Can you guess what I’m going to be buying when I run out later this morning?!!

A Curly-Girl’s Story

I am soooo excited!!  

(Warning:  This is going to be a very girly post, about, you know, hair and stuff. If you don’t like to hear the rants and raves of a curly-girl, you may want to leave now and come back later, when there may be something more serious  posted) 

I have very curly (naturally!) hair.  Everyone who doesn’t tells me what a blessing it is.  Okay, maybe they’re right, cause I never feel better about how I look when I leave the house than when I have a head full of perfect ringlets.  But that doesn’t happen often.  Usually it’s frizz. Or out of control curls, or I’ve just given up and put it in a ponytail, hoping of course, that when I take said ponytail out, it will be more under control.  And it’s so tempermental. So even if I do get a perfect head of curls,  the slightest bit of dampness will change it.  

Yes, naturally curly hair may seem like a blessing–to those who don’t have it–but for those who do, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about!

I usually either completely blow dry my hair, or leave it to dry by itself–which takes forever, because it’s also very thick.  When I blowdry it, it ends up very full, and frizzy. I’ve learned that blow-drying it upside down helps with the frizziness, but then it’s even fuller.   And when I let it dry by itself, well, it just looks kind of odd. I can’t really describe it, kind of flat, but still curly, but weird curls.  It’s not a great look, and lets just leave it at that! 

Now to the point of the post.  And yes, there really is one!

Today, I got up with a great big to-do list brewing in my head as quickly as the coffee was brewing in the kitchen.  It included, but was not limited too, a cleaning throughout the entire house (it’s a small house!), with special emphasis to be put on the porch, all the floors, the fishbowl, lots of laundry, and washing the dog.  And since some of these are messy jobs, I opted to get the messy stuff out of the way before I showered to face the day.  Obviously that meant the dog, the porch, the fish and the floors, cause you wouldn’t believe what a mess a just-bathed dog can make of your floors. Unless you bath your dog, and then try to hurry him outside before he shakes, like I do. Then yes, you would understand!

Okay, back to the point.

After a large portion of my to-do was checked off, I showered and started to blow dry my hair. Got it about 75% dry when I got distracted. Oh yes, if you have kids, you all know all about that, eh? About an hour and a half later, when I went back to see what I could do with a head of hair which was undoubtably going to be a complete disaster, I discovered……

………are you ready for this, cause this is the whole point of the post……

A head of perfect curls!! No frizz, no big hair, just curly, soft hair!! How have I lived 30+ years of life without knowing this? Not hard to guess what my new morning hair routine is going to be, is it?

Now it’s your turn. Share your hair woes with me (and your solutions!) Cause I’m interested, but also so I don’t feel like the only person out there who isn’t perfectly happy with the head of hair that God gave me!


That was a blogging break that I had not intended to take!  But I have to say that it was a perfect week to be away from the blog–it was a busy one!  ( But what week isn’t busy?)  This is going to be one of those boring random posts, so feel free to scroll through without really reading!  Oh but, wait!  Before you do, I do have exciting news that I don’t want you to miss if you just skim over. 

Congratulations to my bloggy-bud Girlymama, who has just opened her online shop!!  You can visit it here.  I was just over looking around and I have to say that I love the mustard lotus tote bag.  Okay, it’s more than love it,  I really really want it!   Maybe I need to mention that to Hubby, since there’s a birthday coming up next month.  Oh, but do I wait, in case she makes one in another fabric that I love even more?  Seriously, dear friends, this is the kind of crazy thoughts that are filling my head this morning!  But when you’re a tote-bag-lovin’, funky-fabric-lovin’ kind of girl, these decisions can make life difficult!  🙂  Go check out her shop! The baby things are beautiful too, but, obviously, those don’t apply to me anymore! (sigh)

Camping was wonderful!  We went to Kejimikujik National Park. It was the first time that I had ever camped there, and I have to say that I loved it!  It’s so beautiful!  And peaceful!  And even though it’s black bear country, we didn’t see any signs of any–although I think we’ve seen enough for this year! It was such a wonderful relaxing weekend.  My only complaint is that it went too quickly. We decided not to take M. with us, as she had never camped before,  and although I would have loved to have her along, if by chance sleeping in a tent freaked her out, we were a long way from home!  We’re hoping to get away for one more weekend, and she’ll be with us then!

 VBS was last week at our church!  What a great week the kids had!  I was disappointed to not be able to help out this year, but it just didn’t work out.  😦  This was T’s first year to go, and he had such a great time.  He was  a little nervous at first, but that was quickly forgotten.  D, of course, is an old pro, so he took his little brother under his wing for the first day.  They put on such a great program for the kids, from the rally the night before it starts, and the amazing decorations, right through until the closing on the last day, and then the lunch, and bouncing that follows, every moment is so memorable and exciting for the kids!  I am so thankful to have a church family with such a love for children!

And speaking of that, I’m starting to count down the weeks until AWANA starts again!  I can’t wait!   The boys are so excited-T to start Sparkies, and D that he’s going  into T&T.  And M just can’t wait until she’s old enough to go!

My Monk and Neagle CD arrived last week!  Let me just say–WOW!!!  I am loving it!  Look for a separate post about that sometime this week!

Ray and Mike got their business started the week before last.  Very exciting–and a bit nerve-wracking, too!

Yup, definitely a busy week.  Between catching up on the laundry from camping,  getting the kids to VBS, and just trying to escape the heat,  and of course, listening to my CD every chance I got, it was a bit crazy!